83. Zuger Kantonal Schwingfest in Menzingen / Swiss Wrestling by Karl Baer
Golden Pass Panoramic: Geneva - Interlaken. 27 Mar 2009. by Jason Ng
The Rolling Stones 05. August 2006 by RayB
Switzerland 2007 by Werner Consten
Basel 2009 by Photogenix
Day 2: first cycling tour and walk around the block by Greg Van den Bleeken
Lötschental Valley, Valais / Wallis by Philip Game
Altendorf, Switzerland by Noiseacct
Gallery: Circus Knie in Glarus 23. /24. April 2005 by Irene Wehrli
Kohlmeisen / Great Tit by Irene Wehrli
Berne by Fabienne
Marché Médiéval Chillon 2012 by Dominique Schreckling